Marvel strike force best team synergy 2021
Marvel strike force best team synergy 2021

marvel strike force best team synergy 2021

Imagine, for example, if each month a "meta-shifting" character was released. If Solo heroes could be released and immediately enter the meta, we'd experience a more shifting, evolving and progressive meta. It takes too much time for the meta to shift and evolve. But this does not change the core problem: This method of meta-shakeup creates an extremely stale meta. What's FoxNext's answer to the problem? Create more Synergy Teams (Guardians, etc.). It's SHIELD/Defenders, and the occasional Brotherhood curiosity, all the way down. This method has created a meta that doesn't change. That's ten characters you have to level up in order to become meta-viable. This means that not only do you need to invest significant resources to level up five heroes that have little use outside of their Synergy Team, but you also have to level up five other heroes in order to unlock the key Legendary hero. There's two issues with these Synergy Teams: 1) the composite characters are generally ineffectual (or even useless) outside of their Synergy Team and 2) a legendary character is often required to unlock the potential of the team. The only real threat to the existing meta is the arrival of a new Synergy Team composition - ala Defenders, SHIELD, Brotherood, etc. Thus, these Solo heroes do nothing to shake up the meta. Which means that solo heroes are, at best, B-team status until and unless they become part of a Synergy Team. Take the five best "Solo" heroes in the game - no composition of solo heroes can threaten these Synergy Teams.

marvel strike force best team synergy 2021

"Solo" heroes can't threaten these full-team synergies. The meta should be getting shaken up regularly as new heroes are released. As the title says, the focus on full-team synergy makes the meta too stagnant.

Marvel strike force best team synergy 2021